Blonde d'Aquitaine stands for a particularly pure taste experience. This breed of cattle originated from three different breeds from Aquitaine, the region in the southwest of France. In short, this breed was created by combining three Aquitanian sub-breeds and crossing them with, among others, Limousin and Charolais. This blonde breed has only been officially recognized in France since 1962 with its own herd book.

The Blonde d'Aquitaine is a feast for the eyes
The Blonde d'Aquitaine is not only relatively young, but also relatively small. The cattle are easily recognizable thanks to their blond to wheat-colored skin that is often slightly lighter around the eyes and muzzle. Furthermore, the animals have fine blond horns without black tips and the long and muscular body structure is striking.
These characteristics make the blonde d'Aquitaine a beautiful and elegant breed. The cow is a feast for the eyes and a true sensation in terms of taste.

A nice weight with a simple diet of grasses
By efficiently consuming large amounts of roughage, a blond d'Aquitaine calf grows quickly. However, these cattle are also able to reach a good weight with a frugal diet of grasses. They are also known for their extremely high meat percentage after cutting. These cattle contain excellent meat that has a fine and tender texture that is nicely marbled, with a little fat that provides extra flavour.
The meat of the blonde d'Aquitaine is ideal to mature for a few weeks for an extra juicy and powerful taste. The fine and consistent texture makes it delicious meat at any dinner. The entrecote, a roast beef, a rib steak or a steak, at Jo Herbots only the best is good enough.